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Committee of Trustees

As a charity run pre-school, Raunds Playgroup (Raunds Child Centre) is governed by a Committee of Trustees that takes overall responsibility for its work. The board is responsible for the governance of Raunds Playgroup – ensuring it is effectively and properly run and is meeting its overall purposes as set out in its governing documents.

Our committee is made up of volunteers from all walks of life and backgrounds. The majority of our Trustees are parents or grandparents of one or more child that is currently attending Raunds Playgroup, known as Family Members. Others trustees are members of the local community, known as Associate Members, all doing their bit for our Playgroup.

Committee Members

Our committee members are;

Chris Long: Associate Member since 2020.

Shelly Cannon: Family Member since 2022.

Lucy Cannon: Family Member since 2022.

Chrissy Nash: Family Member since 2022.
Roxanne Barry: Family Member since 2021.

This information was correct at the last update: 08/07/2024

Join Our Committee

As a committee that is primarily populated by parents, there is a high turnover of Parent Members as their children move onto school. As a result, at every AGM in October we are looking for new Parent Members who can be passionate about our causes and help to make key decisions regarding our Playgroup.

If making decisions isn’t your thing, we are keen for volunteers to help us fundraise, help maintain our Playgroup whether that is some gardening, decorating and more.

If you would like to volunteer for our committee please get in touch! You can reach us via

As we are a pre-school, there are some requirements before you can start volunteering with us:

  • To provide evidence for and successfully pass an enhanced DBS check
  • Complete an EY2 application, this application requires:

We look forward to hearing from you 🙂

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